Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Coke vs PepsiPepsi and Coke’s Uncivil Wars Essay

Chapter 9 in Competition Demystified: Uncivil Cola Wars: Coke and Pepsi Confront the Prisoner’s Dilemma What are the sources of competitive advantages in the soda industry? First we should look at industry structure. The cola companies buy raw materials of sugar, sweeteners and flavorings from many suppliers then they turn the commodities into a branded product which consists of syrup/concentrated combined with water and bottles. The companies are joined at the hip with their bottlers/distributors who then sell to many retail outlets. Selling bulky and heavy beverages lends itself to regional economies of scale advantages. The soda companies cannot operate successfully unless their bottlers and distributors are profitable and content whether company-owned or franchised. The existence of barriers to entry indicates that the incumbents enjoy competitive advantages that potential entrants cannot match. In the soft drink world, the sources of these advantages are easy to identify. First, on the demand side, there is the kind of customer loyalty that network executives, beer brewers and car manufacturers only dream about. People who drink sodas drink them frequently (habit formation), and they relish a constancy of experience that keeps them ordering the same brand, no matter the circumstances. Both Coke and Pepsi exhibit the presence of barriers to entry and competitive advantage—stable *ROE can be influenced by whether bottlers’ assets are off or on the balance sheet Second, there are large economies of scale in the soda business both at the concentrate maker and bottler levels. Developing new products and advertising existing ones are fixed costs, unrelated to the number of cases sold. Equally important, the distribution of soda to the consumer benefits from regional scale economies. The more customers there are in a given region, the more economical the distribution. A bottler of Coke, selling the product to 40% to 50% of the soda drinkers in the market area, is going to have lower costs than someone peddling Dr. Pepper to 5% to 56% of the drinkers. During the â€Å"statesmen† era of Pepsi and Coke, what actions did each of the companies take? Why did they help raise profitability? Note the stability of market share and ROE. ROE dipped in 1980 and 1982 as Pepsi and Coke waged a price war. Yet, market shares did not change as a result of the price war—both companies were worse off. Pepsi gained market share in the late 1970s versus Coke. Coke was slow and clumsy to respond. Price wars between two elephants in an industry with barriers to entry tend to flatten a lot of grass and make customers happy. They hardly ever result in a dead elephant. Still, there are better and worse ways of initiating a price contest. Coke chose the worst. Coke chose to lower concentrate prices on those regions where its share of the cola market was high (80%) and Pepsi’s low (20 percent). This tactic ensured that for every dollar of revenue Pepsi gave up, Coke would surrender four dollars. Coke luckily developed New Coke which allowed it to attack Pepsi in its dominant markets in a precise way—minimizing damage to Coke’s profits–and force a truce in the price wars. They made visible moves to signal the other side that they intended to cooperate. Coca-Cola initiated the new era with a major corporate reorganization. After buying up many of the bottlers and reorganizing the bottler network, it spun off 51% of the company owned bottlers to shareholders in a new entity, Coca-Cola Enterprises, and it loaded up on debt for this corporation. With so much debt to service, Coca-Cola Enterprises had to concentrate on the tangible requirements of cash flow rather than the chimera of gaining great hunks of market share from Pepsi. PepsiCo responded by dropping the Pepsi Challenge, toning down its aggressive advertising and thus signaling that it accepted the truce. Profit margins improved. Operating profit margins went from 10% to 20% for Coca-Cola. Pepsi gain was less dramatic but also substantial. Both companies focused on ROE rather than market share and sales growth. The urge to grow, to hammer competitors and drive them out of business, or at least reduce their market share by a meaningful amount, had been a continual source of poor performance for companies that do have competitive advantages and a franchise, but are not content with it.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Myth of Cyberterrorism

Problems in economy With using viruses, worm has costed to the USA $15 bil 2 Mind hackers targeted government computers Content and Organisation Read the paragraph below taken from the text â€Å"Myth of Cyberterrorism† and analyse the content and organisation. â€Å"The main reason for this controversy is that cyber-threats have not materialized as a national security threat, even granted that there have been some few incidents with at least some potential for grave consequences.Interestingly enough, both hypers and de-hypers tend to agree on this point. But while the first group assumes that vicious attacks that wreak havoc and paralyze whole nations are imminent, more cautious researchers often point to the practical difficulties of a serious cyberattack (Ingles-le Nobel, 1999), question the assumption of critical infrastructure vulnerabilities (Lewis, 2002; Smith, 1998, 2000), or point to unclear benefits of cyber- attacks for terrorist groups (Barak, 2004).Despite this c aution, however, even the second group contends that one â€Å"cannot afford to shrug off the threat† (Denning, 001 a) due to unclear and rapid tuture technological development as well as dynamic change of the capabilities of terrorism groups themselves (Technical Analysis Group, 2003). To summarize the debate in a nutshell: due to too many uncertainties concerning the scope of the threat, experts are unable to conclude whether cyber-terror is fact or fiction, or, since they are unwilling to dismiss the threat completely, how long it is likely to remain fiction.

History Important Terms Essay

Bacon’s Rebellion-1676 – Nathaniel Bacon and other western Virginia settlers were angry at Virginia Governor Berkley for trying to appease the Doeg Indians after the Doegs attacked the western settlements. The frontiersmen formed an army, with Bacon as its leader, which defeated the Indians and then marched on Jamestown and burned the city. The rebellion ended suddenly when Bacon died of an illness. John Winthrop-He became the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay colony, and served in that capacity from 1630 through 1649. A Puritan with strong religious beliefs. He opposed total democracy, believing the colony was best governed by a small group of skillful leaders. He helped organize the New England Confederation in 1643 and served as its first president. He believed in the creation of a City on a Hill and that they would be an example to the world. Separatists- Non-separatists (which included the Puritans) believed that the Church of England could be purified through reforms. Separatists (which included the Pilgrims) believed that the Church of England could not be reformed and that it was corrupt so started their own congregations. Roger Williams-Rhode Island. He left the Massachusetts colony and purchased the land from a neighboring Indian tribe to found the colony of Rhode Island. Rhode Island was the only colony at that time to offer complete religious freedom. He was an antinomian. He was exiled from Massachusetts because of his beliefs. He believed you couldn’t take land from Native Americans because they could be saved, Anglican Church is too corrupt, separation of church and state and religious toleration, you don’t have to listen to the bible or minister if you are already predetermined. Founder of Rhode Island. Anne Hutchinson-She preached the idea that God communicated directly to individuals instead of through the church elders. She was forced to leave Massachusetts in 1637. Her followers (the Antinomians) founded the colony of New Hampshire in 1639. She allied with merchants. Said the bible was wrong. â€Å"Visible saints†- – people who were godly Christians and who went to heaven when they died. Puritans believed that they were the saints of the world. Half-Way Covenant- The Half-way Covenant applied to those members of the Puritan colonies who were the children of church members, but who hadn’t achieved grace themselves. The covenant allowed them to participate in some church affairs. Dominion of New England- 1686 – The British government combined the colonies of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Connecticut into a single province headed by a royal governor (Andros). The Dominion ended in 1692, when the colonists revolted and drove out Governor Andros. An example that Britain was beginning to lose control of New England. Penn’s â€Å"Holy Experiment’- William Penn’s term for the government of Pennsylvania, which was supposed to serve everyone and provide freedom for all. He was a Quaker. He was most likely gay so he wasn’t accepted by puritans but in Pennsylvania he could be free and safe because they believed that they are the same as everyone else. Nathaniel Bacon- Virginian planter who organized a militia of 500, attacked and killed Indians because some tribes caused planters problems. Then he marched the militia into Jamestown and burned it. House of Burgesses-1619 – The Virginia House of Burgesses formed the first legislative body in colonial America. Later other colonies would adopt houses of burgesses. Indentured servants- People who could not afford passage to the colonies could become indentured servants. Another person would pay their passage, and in exchange, the indentured servant would serve that person for a set length of time (usually seven years) and then would be free. Headright- Headrights were parcels of land consisting of about 50 acres which were given to colonists who brought indentured servants into America. They were used by the Virginia Company to attract more colonists â€Å"middle passage† – passage from the African west coast to the West Indies Enlightenment-A philosophical movement which started in Europe in the 1700’s and spread to the colonies. It emphasized reason and the scientific method. Writers of the enlightenment tended to focus on government, ethics, and science, rather than on imagination, emotions, or religion. Many members of the Enlightenment rejected traditional religious beliefs in favor of Deism, which holds that the world is run by natural laws without the direct intervention of God. It is believed that it influenced the American Revolution. Great Awakening- Puritanism had declined by the 1730s, and people were upset about the decline in religious piety. The Great Awakening was a sudden outbreak of religious fervor that swept through the colonies. One of the first events to unify the colonies. It believed in individualism and New Birth. Believed to influence American Revolution. George Whitefield- George Whitefield, an Anglican minister, led numerous revivals and preached a theology â€Å"scaled down to the comprehension of twelve-year-olds.† While not denying the doctrine of predestination, he preached a God responsive to good intentions. He believed in the concept of New Birth. Jonathan Edwards- Jonathan Edwards was the most famous native-born revivalist. In 1727 he â€Å"inherited† his grandfather’s pulpit in Northampton, Massachusetts, and dramatized hell’s fire and brimstone from the pulpit. Eventually in 1749 his parishioners voted to dismiss him. By the 1750s, the Great Awakening, the first truly national event in American history, had run its course. Although it had caused divisions, it also fostered religious toleration. His most famous work is â€Å"Sinners†. He believed one could become morally perfect. Mercantilism-Navigation Acts- the most important legislature that Britain passed on colonies. Says that all goods shipped on vessels built in UK, Raw material to UK only in UK ships, no manufacturing in colonies, 75% UK crews, all goods to other countries stop in UK for unloading. Congregationalism- Puritan system. Says that church is center of town and the meeting house. Congregation elects minister. Pilgrims – Mayflower Compact- 1620 – The first agreement for self-government in America. It was signed by the 41 men on the Mayflower and set up a government for the Plymouth colony. It said that all people must adhere to majority rule, allegiance to king and church is the center of their town. Triangle Trade- The backbone of New England’s economy during the colonial period. Ships from New England sailed first to Africa, exchanging New England rum for slaves. The slaves were shipped from Africa to the Caribbean (this was known as the Middle Passage, when many slaves died on the ships). In the Caribbean, the slaves were traded for sugar and molasses. Then the ships returned to New England, where the molasses were used to make rum. Great Migration- Many Puritans emigrated from England to America in the 1630s and 1640s. During this time, the population of the Massachusetts Bay colony grew to ten times its earlier population. King Philip’s War- 1675 – A series of battles in New Hampshire between the colonists and the Wompanowogs, led by a chief known as King Philip. The war was started when the Massachusetts government tried to assert court jurisdiction over the local Indians. The colonists won with the help of the Mohawks, and this victory opened up additional Indian lands for expansion. Covenant of Grace- Puritan teachings emphasized the biblical covenants: God’s covenants with Adam and with Noah, the covenant of grace between God and man through Christ. John Smith-Helped found and govern Jamestown. His leadership and strict discipline helped the Virginia colony get through the difficult first winter. Virginia Company-Virginia was formed by the Virginia Company as a profit-earning venture. Starvation was the major problem; about 90% of the colonists died the first year, many of the survivors left, and the company had trouble attracting new colonists. They offered private land ownership in the colony to attract settlers, but the Virginia Company eventually went bankrupt and the colony went to the crown. Virginia did not become a successful colony until the colonists started raising and exporting tobacco. William Berkeley- the royal governor, Sir William Berkeley of Virginia. He was forced by Bacon to legitimize his power in order to take control of Jamestown and fight against Indians. â€Å"seasoning time†- period of time when new colonists became accustomed to the weather and hygiene conditions in the colony Toleration Act of 1649- 1649 – Ordered by Lord Baltimore after a Protestant was made governor of Maryland at the demand of the colony’s large Protestant population. The act guaranteed religious freedom to all Christians. Maryland was unique in that it became a refuge for Catholic immigrants, and although Catholics were a minority in Maryland their rights were protected Jacob Leisler- In New York in 1689, Jacob Leisler seized control of the government for two years before being sent to the gallows. But for two decades struggles continued between those who shared Leisler’s dislike of English rule and those who had opposed his takeover. He took control of New York. He was arrested for denying English troops to enter key forts. He arrested many new Yorkers for questioning his authority. John Peter Zenger- Another political problem occurred when Governor William Cosby made a claim for back salary and was opposed by forces led by Lewis Morris. Morrisites established a weekly journal which was eventually closed down and which led to the trial for seditious libel of its editor, John Peter Zenger. Deism- The religion of the Enlightenment (1700s). Followers believed that God existed and had created the world, but that afterwards He left it to run by its own natural laws. Denied that God communicated to man or in any way influenced his life. Albany Plan of Union- During the French and Indian War, Franklin wrote this proposal for a unified colonial government, which would operate under the authority of the British government. Gives the arousal of William Pitt. The first time the colonies unite. Great War for Empire- increased tensions between France and Britain. France puts up forts around their land. Britain is defeated in Ohio because they have really bad Generals and Native Americans are allied with France, But Irukoy Indians ally with Britain. It is the cause of the first meeting between all 13 colonies. William Pitt was appointed general and helped defeat the French. Regulator Movement- was the attempt to regulate taxes in North Carolina where citizens took up arms against corrupt colonial officials. While unsuccessful, some historians consider it a catalyst to the American Revolutionary War. Stono Rebellion in NY- the rebellion against slavery in New York. One of the earliest known organized rebellions in the present United States, it was led by native Africans who were Catholic and the rebellion was suppressed. Treaty of Paris (1763)- 1763 the Treaty of Paris ended hostilities and gave England dominance in North America. France is out of New World. North Carolina Regulators- Western frontiersmen who in 1768 rebelled in protest against the high taxes imposed by the Eastern colonial government of North Carolina, and whose organization was crushed by military force by Governor Tryon in 1771. In South Carolina, groups of vigilantes who organized to fight outlaw bands along the Western frontier in 1767-1769, and who disbanded when regular courts were established in those areas. Sugar Act (1764)- The passage of the Sugar Act (1764), which placed tariffs on sugar, coffee, wines, and other imported products, was denounced by the colonists as taxation without representation. Also in 1764, the government in London restricted the printing, although not the use of, paper money in the colonies. â€Å"Salutary neglect†- colonists resorted to smuggling and bribery to bypass Parliamentary regulations. Mercantilistic laws merely steered American economy toward England, and the colonies enjoyed almost continuous prosperity from 1650 until the Revolution. Proclamation of 1763- Proclamation of 1763. No settlers were to cross the Appalachian divide, only licensed traders could do business in that area, and the purchase of Indian land was outlawed. The purpose of the proclamation was to organize Great Britain’s new North American empire and to stabilize relations with Native North Americans through regulation of trade, settlement, and land purchases on the western frontier. Tea Act 1773- The final crisis in the ongoing conflict over imperial control surfaced in 1773 when Parliament, in attempting to save the corrupt and inefficient British East India Company from bankruptcy, gave the company a monopoly on colonial tea trade. Although this action reduced the price of tea (middlemen were eliminated), Americans regarded it as a sly attempt to trap them into paying the tea tax. In Boston the situation deteriorated as Samuel Adams and other propagandists inflamed the public to a point that on December 16, 1773, the Boston Tea Party occurred. Coercive Acts 1774- All of these names refer to the same acts, passed in 1774 in response to the Boston Tea Party, and which included the Boston Port Act, which shut down Boston Harbor; the Massachusetts Government Act, which disbanded the Boston Assembly (but it soon reinstated itself); the Quartering Act, which required the colony to provide provisions for British soldiers; and the Administration of Justice Act, which removed the power of colonial courts to arrest royal officers. Albany Plan-Stamp Act Congress 1765- taxed many kinds of printed matter, including newspapers, legal documents, and licenses. Was direct taxing by eng. An intercolonial Stamp Act Congress passed resolutions of protest, and relations were further strained as colonists burned the stamps, boycotted British goods, and the Sons of Liberty resorted to some violence. Parliament responded by repealing the Stamp Act (1766). Writs of Assistance- Search warrants issued by the British government. They allowed officials to search houses and ships for smuggled goods, and to enlist colonials to help them search. The writs could be used anywhere, anytime, as often as desired. The officials did not need to prove that there was reasonable cause to believe that the person subject to the search had committed a crime or might have possession of contraband before getting a writ or searching a house. The writs were protested by the colonies. Declaratory Act 1766- On the same day Parliament repealed the Stamp Act, it passed a Declaratory Act establishing its right to enact any colonial legislation it deemed proper. The Declaratory Act highlighted the degree to which British and Americans had drifted apart on the concepts of representation, constitution, and sovereignty. Townshend Acts 1767- Facing the possibility of a deficit budget, Parliament passed the Townshend Acts (1767) which placed new taxes on glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea. Colonists immediately began boycotting British imports and influential Americans began questioning the basis of the British colonial system. The spectrum of debate ranged from the moderate views of John Dickinson to the radical opinions of Samuel Adams. Boston Massacre 1770- On March 5, 1770, idlers tossed snowballs at Redcoats guarding the Boston Custom House, and panicking soldiers fired their muskets into the crowd, killing five. Although radicals like Samuel Adams played up the incident, cooler heads prevailed and a post-massacre truce settled over British America. Circular Letter- a letter sent by Sam Adams to colonies that says taxing is unconstitutional. Virtual – Actual Representation- Virtual representation means that a representative is not elected by his constituents, but he resembles them in his political beliefs and goals. Actual representation mean that a representative is elected by his constituents. The colonies only had virtual representation in the British government. 1st-2nd Continental Congress- The First Continental Congress met to discuss their concerns over Parliament’s dissolutions of the New York (for refusing to pay to quarter troops), Massachusetts (for the Boston Tea Party), and Virginia Assemblies. The First Continental Congress rejected the plan for a unified colonial government, stated grievances against the crown called the Declaration of Rights, resolved to prepare militias, and created the Continental Association to enforce a new non-importation agreement through Committees of Vigilence. In response, in February, 1775, Parliament declared the colonies to be in rebellion. It met in 1776 and drafted and signed the Declaration of Independence, which justified the Revolutionary War and declared that the colonies should be independent of Britain. Sam Adams- A Massachusetts politician who was a radical fighter for colonial independence. Helped organize the Sons of Liberty and the Non-Importation Commission, which protested the Townshend Acts, and is believed to have lead the Boston Tea Party. He served in the Continental Congress throughout the Revolution, and served as Governor of Massachusetts from 1794-1797. John Dickenson- Drafted a declaration of colonial rights and grievances, and also wrote the series of â€Å"Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania† in 1767 to protest the Townshend Acts. Although an outspoken critic of British policies towards the colonies, Dickinson opposed the Revolution, and, as a delegate to the Continental Congress in 1776, refused to sign the Declaration of Independence. Sons of Liberty- A radical political organization for colonial independence which formed in 1765 after the passage of the Stamp Act. They incited riots and burned the customs houses where the stamped British paper was kept. After the repeal of the Stamp Act, many of the local chapters formed the Committees of Correspondence which continued to promote opposition to British policies towards the colonies. The Sons leaders included Samuel Adams and Paul Revere. Unit II Terms Olive Branch Petition- a petition sent by John Dickinson during the Second Continental Congress to George III of Britain to try and reconcile their feuds. It fails to have any effect because by the time the petition arrives in Britain George III knows about Bunker’s Hill and declares Massachusetts in open rebellion so he cuts off all imports to colonies, which will cause major economic problems. Common Sense- a testament written by Tomas Paine to challenge the authority of the British government and the royal monarchy. He writes it to try and create a greater awareness that colonist need independence. It is simple and easy to read. Called for colonists to realize their mistreatment and push for independence from England. Attacked King George III and the monarchy itself. As a result, Continental Congress unleashed privateers against British commerce, open American ports, established state governments. Loyalists- colonists that fight for the British during the Revolution. They included Canadian elites in fear of Americans spreading into their land, some native Americans, and were influenced by the Whigs. They wanted to remain loyal to the British king. Yorktown (1781)- The Battle of Yorktown. It is the decisive battle that ends the Revolutionary War. It forced the British to surrender and negotiate some sort of agreement between America. It leads to the Treaty of Paris 1783 which acknowledged the colonies as independent. Thomas Paine- author of Common Sense. He wanted to create more awareness to colonists about what Britain was doing. He wanted to inspire colonists to do something about their independence. Declaration of Independence- the statement adopted on July 4th that declared that the colonies were no longer part of Britain. Sharply separated Loyalists from Patriots and helped to start the American Revolution by allowing England to hear of the colonists disagreements with British authority. Franco-American Alliance-Saratoga (1778)- an alliance formed between France and the United States. France agrees to help America militarily and economically to defeat and weaken Britain. Articles of Confederation (1781)- The first form of federal government. It had limited national power. It requires a unanimous vote from all colonies to ratify a law, donations instead of taxes, inadequate central government. Gave states independence and more power over national government (able to form treaties, control foreign policy, coin money). Its successes were the Land ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance 1787. Peace of Paris (1783)- Treaty between America and Britain. It recognizes America’s independence. It required all British troops to be evacuated as long as loyalists were paid; all land east of Mississippi went to America, fishing rights of grand banks. Saratoga-Yorktown- two important and decisive battles for America. They are both victories for America.   Republican Motherhood- Came from US War of Independence. Concept that women should educate themselves in the principles of liberty, independence, and democracy so as to inculcate the coming generation with these republican values. This was one sign that women were becoming more respected as intellectually capable. Shays’ Rebellion 1786- Daniel Shay (Revolutionary War veteran) gathered farmers and marched to courthouse because of trade issues and taxes, preventing state Supreme Court from meeting. State sent troops to fight them and suppressed them. Shay and his rebellion were arrested. Land Ordinance of 1785 -Provided for surveying western territories into 6 square mile townships before sale at auction. Compromise between south’s sale to individuals and NE’s sale to groups or companies. 1 section for education and schooling. Imposts -Section 8 of the Constitution. Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the US. But all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the US. Annapolis Convention 17855 -states met â€Å"to discuss common problems of commerce†. All talk, no action. Decided not to make any changes due to lack of reps from other states, so Hamilton suggested they meet in Philadelphia to â€Å"fix† the Articles of Confederation. 3/5 Compromise-North argued slaves should be counted for federal taxation. South disagreed but still wanted slaves counted as people to determine number in House of Representatives. Eventually Every slave counted as 3/5 of a person. 1808 Compromise- Allowed the slave trade to continue, but placed a date-certain on its survival. Congress eventually passed a law outlawing the slave trade that became effective on January 1, 1808. Virginia Plan- a political plan that wanted 2 houses; upper and lower. A strong central government and representation that is proportional to population.   New Jersey Plan- a political plan that wanted equal representation in every state regardless of population.   Northwest Ordinance of 1787- Establishes government for West. First governed by governor and 3 judges, then territory with legislature, and then state. Determines process of dividing territory and writing territory constitution. Banded by Ohio & Mississippi Rivers and Great Lakes. Same rights as original 13 states. Prohibited slavery. Great Compromise- Delegates at Great Convention decided to have bicameral legislature: Lower House- House of Representatives dependent on population (Virginia Plan – favored by larger states) and Upper House- Senate, with equal number of representatives per state (2 per state) (New Jersey Plan – small states). All revenue bills begin in house. Any bill that says it will take money will begin in house of representatives because they are closer to the people. The Federalists Papers 1788- by Madison, Jay and Hamilton. To convince voters in Virginia and New York that constitution was worth a chance. Had little impact but finally New York and Virginia supported it. Checks and balances- Phrase to describe the separation of powers/branches of government. By dividing powers between legislature, executive (President), and judiciary, no one branch can be too powerful. Each one can â€Å"check† the other’s actions. Antifederalists -People against federalists in 1787. Disagreed with the Constitution because they believed people’s rights were being taken away without a Bill of Rights. Appealed to â€Å"common man† as they didn’t want an elected aristocracy. Gave in a bit when promised the Bill of Rights, which they wanted because the British constitution is unwritten so no one can claim any rights. Bill of Rights 1791- By Madison (since he wrote the Constitution too). First 10 amendments of Constitution. Added in 1791. Guarantees civil liberties like freedom of speech, free press, and freedom of religion, etc. written to satisfy the needs of states fearful of losing their rights (anti-federalists. Hamilton’s Economic Plans 1792-94- Funding and Assumption. (Funding- funding the national debt. ‘Spend your way out of debt’ by funding the old debt. Government taxes and uses bonds (citizens lend government money) – people who gave money will pay taxes, will want government to succeed so they get their money back.) (Assumption- the central government takes (assumes) all of the state debts.) Funding and assumption later lead to the formation of political parties. Whiskey Rebellion 1795- 1st major challenge to federal authority. Small rebellion that began in Southwestern Pennsylvania in 1794. Challenge to the national governments unjust use of an excise tax on whiskey. Washington crushed the rebellion with excessive force, proving the strength of the national governments power in its military. Shows that constitution is supreme law and that there are severe limits to what people can do to oppose government.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Financial aid essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Financial aid - Essay Example It provides a state of the art equipments and highly qualified instructors. I enjoy the classes offered by the Walnut Hill. My passion in music is manifested with the good grades I obtained from my academic and music classes. Walnut Hill is not merely a school but a home for individuals who love art. This serves as an avenue for individuals who have the same interests to collaborate and learn from one another. I usually spend my free time with friends singing and playing music all the time. I consider being in Walnut Hill as a turning point of my life. I have learned to play more musical instruments and to interact with different individuals. Being part of this prestigious school makes me feel special. Somehow, I felt that I have a purpose, and that Walnut Hill will help me accomplish this purpose. Your financial aid will help me pursue my passion for music. It will help me pay for books, rent, and other school expenses. Lastly, it will serve as a means for me to actualize my potential for

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Coming of Sound Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Coming of Sound - Assignment Example This was mostly because of the lack of sound. Changes in the movie industry were witnessed in 1926 courtesy of the Warner Brothers and Western Electric ("Digital History.†). Evidently, they innovatively created a contemporary sound on disc system. To this end, the system worked through the recording of music and sound effects on wax record. The wax record consequently worked in synchronization with a film projector. The hallmark of sound technology was exhibited by Warner Brothers when they released the first motion picture complete with synchronized sound effects and a pre-recorded score. The movie was ‘Don Juan’ (Lastra, 45). However, the pioneer motion sound movie did not have an instant impact by influencing people to adapt talking technology. Many people were still comfortable with silent pictures. However, these perceptions were soon to change in October 1927 with the release of â€Å"The Jazz Singer†. It was based on the popular Broadway play by Samso n Raphaelson and Alfred Cohen’s story, â€Å"The Day of Atonement† ("Digital History.†). The script was based upon a Jewish boy, played by Al Johnson, who was aiming to be a Broadway star. Evidently, the movie triggered a sound movie revolution since it was the first one to utilize spoken dialogue. Furthermore, the movie was an instant box office hit with profits of up to $ 3.5 million. To this end, Warner Brothers earned its place as one of the top studios in Hollywood. Following the release of another sound movie and instant box office hit, â€Å"The Lights of New York†, the remainder of Hollywood adopted sound movies rapidly ("Digital History.†). The impacts arising from talking sound pictures were largely positive but equally negative to some extent in Hollywood. It is no doubt that the introduction of sound was of profound benefit to the motion picture industry. However it was highly disastrous to vaudeville entertainment ("Digital History.†). To this end, vaudeville performances found it increasingly difficult to compete with sound technology. This was majorly because most of the actors were not able to adapt to sound motion pictures. In addition, the musical accompaniment that was synonymous with silent pictures was dealt a deathly blow. This was evident through the loss of musical careers to majority of the orchestra musicians who offered live score services to the silent movies. They were quickly replaced by animated shots and newsreel. To this end, the introduction of live sound technology rendered their services redundant. The rapid technology change equally accounted for change within the Hollywood film industry. Evidently, upon showcasing of â€Å"The Jazz Singer,† the change to a contemporary type of motion picture technology began in earnest. There was a restructuring in film production and the film industry as a whole. These included the incorporation of sound recording into filmmaking, installation of sound equipment into theatres, and the drastic phasing out of silent films. Another impact in the Hollywood studio was felt pertaining to the voices and speech of certain actors. Initially, the silent motion pictures were only dependent on the physical gesturing of actors during the course of the play. Consequently, the element of an actor’s voice or speech was not an area of concern while recruiting or assessing the performance of actors. However, the advent of sound technology brought in a new

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Political Science - State and Society in Europe Essay

Political Science - State and Society in Europe - Essay Example propose a typology that is essentially concerned with cross-national differences that occur in three aspects; these include the association of the state with the market in the provision of welfare, the stratifying impact of welfare states and the value of social rights (Dale 2002). Using cross-national differences that occur along these aspects, Esping-Andersen classified welfare states into three main types. These three types were referred to as the three worlds of welfare: social democratic, liberal and corporatist. The social democratic welfare states encompassed the countries of the Scandinavian region, whereas the liberal welfare states included the countries from the Anglo-Saxon areas. The conservative corporatist welfare state was dominant in Central Europe (Dale 2002). For instance, the German welfare system is considered as a conservative-corporate regime because of its salient social policy features (Cochrane, Clarke & Gewirtz 2001). The three worlds of typology opened new frontiers for the interpretation of comparative welfare state research. The typologies have fueled extensive debate, theoretical criticisms and had led other sociologists to propose their own typologies to understand the social welfare dynamics (Dale 2002). In fact, criticism against the typology surfaced right after the time that the typology was proposed, which has resulted in the development of a series of typologies for welfare states. One of the most significant contributions of the Esping-Andersen typology lies in the fact that it was the first of its kind to initiate the process of researching welfare states from a novel perspective. Before the typology was proposed, much of the research on welfare states was conducted on the comparison between the values of degree outcomes and the quantitative worth of social security expenditures. The essence of the second cluster of welfare state typologies encompasses the connection between paid wor k and welfare as well as the implications

Friday, July 26, 2019

A Study of Internal and External Effects on Entrepreneurship in The Dissertation

A Study of Internal and External Effects on Entrepreneurship in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example The development of the telecommunication technology since the beginning of the current century has played a major role in the process of bringing a massive technological evolution and enhancement in the lives of the masses around the world. The rising level of internet connectivity and Wi-Fi penetration in various markets and regions around the world along with the factor of rising popularity of various sophisticated technology enabled gadgets like the Smartphones, tablets and laptops has played the role of a major catalyst in diffusing the technological and communication related advancement in markets around the world. It is important to state that the high levels of internet connectivity coupled with the rising acceptance of various end user technological devices has helped in the process of transforming the world in to a single highly connected entity. As a result of this technological transformation in to a well connected single virtual entity, various new trends are emerging fro m marketplaces around the world. The new trends which are emerging in the markets of both developed as well as emerging regions are often a by product of globalization as well as new innovation of incremental or radical nature in case of product or services. The rising globalization powered innovative product and service trends are playing an important role in triggering the consumer demand for various innovative products and services in the globally connected markets. As a result of the growing demand for new kinds of products and services in markets around the world, various new opportunities of business are emerging on a regular basis. To tap the new business opportunities that are emerging in various international markets, business organizations and enterprises located in different markets around the world are focusing on engaging in cross border trade activities like engaging in trade export or directly entering the new markets of growth. With the entry of new players of foreig n orientation in a particular market, the dynamics of market competition gets enhanced in a tremendous manner. The entry of new players in the market significantly increases the availability of homogeneous products and services in the markets, which directly leads to a rise of substitute products and services for the consumers. As a result, it can be simply said that the rise of consumer choices alters the power dynamics existing in the market from the sellers to the buyers. Apart from the rise of competition in various new markets, it is very important to consider the multiple macroeconomic issues that currently exist in the global markets. The current trends reveal that the growth prospects in most of the developing economies has slowed down in the recent times because of the influence of a variety of factors like high debt, corruption, tremendous currency fluctuations as well as lack of proper policy development. A region by region analysis of the various macroeconomic factors

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Environmental problems report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Environmental problems report - Essay Example Due to the very nature of the tropical rainforests, these places not only experience higher level of temperature but also witness higher level of rain. What is more important about tropical rainforests is the biodiversity which they encourage and possess. Over 10% of the earth’s surface is covered by the tropical rainforests therefore they play an important role in balancing the overall environment of the earth. However, deforestation of tropical forests and its persistent occurrence has created stronger consequences for the biodiversity as well as environment of the earth. The systematic removal of the forest area so that they can be used for other purposes is what is called tropical deforestation. This report will discuss the ecological reasons for tropical deforestation and will also discuss some of the possible solutions which can be implemented to reduce the occurrence. Ecological Reasons of Tropical Deforestation One of the key and most documented reasons for the tropica l deforestation is the agriculture. It has been suggested that subsistence farming has been one of the real cause as to why tropical rainforests are being destroyed. ... s therefore in order to sustain higher level of population growth and to accommodate humans within the overall eco-system, tropical deforestation quickened during last 100 years. (Simon, Dickey , & Reece, 163) It has been argued that though tropical deforestation may provide advantage to human life however, it can have also devastating effects on other species and the environment as a whole. What is also critical to understand that overall devastation caused by tropical deforestation is not just limited to the local environment but to the global environment too. The interaction of humans with the environment and how they actually use the environment to fulfill their needs however many species actually are microhabitats in these forests. Due to this dependence of other biological species on the survival of forests, it becomes critically important the overall pace of deforestation is slowed down. The overall changes in the trees as well as the insects and other biological organisms red uce the ability of the forests to actually sustain the environment over the longer period of time. (Lindsey, 2007) Ecological reasons also indicate that in certain areas, especially in Asia, the overall intensity of the climate is on the rise. This intense climate changes create droughts and precipitation. This increase in precipitation and intensity in the temperature is also seen as one of the key reasons as to why tropical forests are decreasing in their overall size. Another important ecological reason for tropical deforestation is the increasing demand from developed countries of the material found in the tropical forests. Tropical forests are rich in producing rubbers, lumber and other active ingredients which are used by the pharmaceutical companies. The higher and sustained rise in

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Question is in the instruction part Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Question is in the instruction part - Essay Example In relation to architecture, it may be useful to define the concept of ‘Gothic’, which first belonged to the medieval period in Europe, from about 12th to 16th centuries. The characteristics included the pointed arch, large ribbed vaults and large, high windows, and later the flying buttress. The style was applied mainly to churches and cathedrals, therefore having religious and ecclesiastical connotations, though stately homes, convents and monasteries also adopted it. In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, its revival coincided with the popularity of the Gothic genre in English fiction, often quoted as having originated with Horace Walpole’s ‘The Castle of Otranto’ (Walpole 1764). The underlying ethos seems to be one of highly charged emotional content, thrilling sensationalism and a rejection of the rational and classical clarity with determined the Enlightenment. Gothic fiction and architecture would seem to seek to extend beyond normal, ratio nal boundaries in society and to find instead, a more exciting form of expression and stimulation – almost taking reader and characters to the brink of insanity through the alteration of perceived reality. Certainly, the Gothic literary conventions call up childhood fears, myths, legends and superstitions, and in so doing, overturn common perceptions and distort reality. Just as it is impossible to fully understand the workings of the human mind, the environments created in the fiction are difficult to grasp, alien and mysterious and possibly reflecting, in the form of the deep, dark pits and dungeons, an allegorical picture of psychic depths beyond our conscious knowledge. Robert Barry (1995) states that: In ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’, Poe creates an atmosphere of increasing tension and doom, launching into a description which engages the

Transition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Transition - Essay Example The objective of transition is to plan and adopt some educational and interactive activities which will prepare the students for further education and employment. Transition services and plans for youth with disabilities are now mandated under the recently enacted 'Education of the Handicapped Act' Amendments of 1990. Barone et al. (1991) explained that youth is the crucial time when an individual requires friendship and social interaction to disrupt the barriers of apprehension. Severely disabled students often are deprived of good communication and comprehensive skills which strengthen social relationships and they often feel secluded and isolated. The concept of Inclusion of youth with disabilities in regular classrooms helps to build a healthy and motivating relationship among the students. This concept not only enhances the career related outcomes but also reinforces the sense of belonging to Human family. Families have a critical impact on the successful transition from school to adult life for young adults with disabilities. The involvement of the parents in the transition process is mandatory as they will have a better idea of their children's temperament, interests and abilities. On the contrary parents may sometimes become very emotional and over protective which may act as a hindrance for the development of the students. Parents often tend to underestimate their children or hold unrealistic high expectations of them when compared to regular children. As Jean E. Ness explains parents always have confusion between the abilities and motivations of their children. Special Education and Support System Individuals with disabilities require more vigorous and dedicated training when compared to normal students as they have to overcome the many additional hurdles of life. Special education should be directed towards assessment and instruction of students for smooth transition from school to post-secondary activities like employment or post-secondary education. If special education teachers do not take proper interest in motivating students then there will be potential increase in number of drop outs. The support system should be concerned, organized, focused towards the goal of transition process for students. Self determination and Motivation One of the reasons for poor post school outcomes is that students with disabilities leave school without self-determination. Students who do not have the motivation to plan and manage their lives will leave school without the skills necessary to secure a meaningful job. During the transition process high risk youth should be identified and their morale should be boosted up with self confidence and mastery of self-management skills. Several recent models of student involvement in transition planning include creating a self-directed individualized education program (IEP). Difference in the Environment of instruction The idea of going to new campus or community is of a big

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Human Resource Plan and Communication Plan in project management Assignment

Human Resource Plan and Communication Plan in project management - Assignment Example GM will make sure that the department heads work effectively and ensure quality in their department. In order for an individual to qualify for this position, he or she must have a Masters degree in management with five years working in management level. QM, TM, and DCM will be responsible for making sure that their department work effectively and ensure quality. They will manage workers in their departments. The managers will have a bachelor degree in relevant field accompanied by three years experience. In the organization, I will be communicating with the managers from each department. The managers will be giving out detailed information about their departments. They will also provide information concerning the challenges faced in each department. The information provided by managers will be used to make improvement by solving problems faced in each department. I will then communicate with the directors about the information presented by the managers. I will go through the presentations and approve the important and useful information before handing it to the managers. After the directors approve my requested I will then present the approval to the managers for implementation. I will be communicating with the managers to make sure that the suggested improvements have been implemented (Bohlander George, Morris Shad and Snell Scott 78). I will be communicating with the managers on daily basis. Communication with the directors will be done on weekly basis. Managers must send an email explaining on the progress of their departments on daily basis. The managers will also present the problems been faced in their organization formally on weekly basis. Monthly meetings will be held in order to have an information discussion with all departments (Bohlander George, Morris Shad and Snell Scott 60). The required information must be communicated by the required department in due

Monday, July 22, 2019

Acetone - Background of the Study Essay Example for Free

Acetone Background of the Study Essay Familiar household uses of acetone are as the active ingredient in nail polish removers and as paint thinner. Acetone can also be used for medical and cosmetic uses, such as applying acetone with alcohol for acne treatments to peel dry skin. It can also remove residues from glass and porcelain and it can also remove super glue from the skin. Perhaps, acetone is very useful in our everyday lives. Acetone is also known to remove ball pen marks on fabrics and clothings. It has ethyl acetate that is said to remove ball pen stains. Most people accidentally rubs ball pen marks on their clothing on a daily basis. The study was done to find out if acetone is more effective and easier to remove ball pen marks on clothings or fabrics than normal laundry detergent. Statement of the Problem The study aims to answer the following questions: 1. What is a more effective and easier way in removing ball pen stains on fabrics? 2. Is acetone effective in removing ball pen marks? Hypothesis If the ball pen mark is removed and the clothing is cleaner and whiter using acetone then acetone is more effective and easier way to remove ball pen marks on the clothing. Significance of the Study The study was done to find out if acetone is effective in removing ball pen marks. The study will help mostly students and working adults and everyone who uses ball pen. They will benefit because most of the users have their ball pens blotting on a daily basis. Scope and Limitations The amount of bleach and acetone used is 20 ml. The ball pen mark is of the same size. Even the cloths are of the same type. This means that the study is limited to these amounts only. This study is limited to testing which among bleach or acetone can remove a simple ball pen mark effectively. Review of Related Literature According to, Ethyl Acetate is the solvent present in acetone that can remove the ball pen marks. It is also stated that ethyl acetate is also present in some hairsprays, alcohol, etc. Recommendation The researchers recommend repeating the testing using different cloths and different amounts of bleach and acetone to test other possibilities. It is also suggested that the researchers use warm water for washing the cloths. References Removing ball pen marks-

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Buying decision process and Sony overview

Buying decision process and Sony overview Sony was founded in 1946 in Tokyo to be a new revolution in the world of communications and technology, was able to progress throughout her career innovative products added all the new and useful to the lives of millions of people, Sony is one of the best companies in the worlds leading manufacturer of Audio Video In addition to excellence in the areas of technology and development of industry computer laptops and mobile phones It is well known for many fans and viewers of the technical world of electronics Since it was founded in May 1946 and to this day continues to Sony in its bid submission to the infinite and well-being and comfort of all categories of consumers through a variety of high-quality products. We may need a lot of pages to talk about Sony and its history of achievements, which had said the welfare of peoples lives But the company is well known by its fans and clients and its products is almost devoid of any where in the house Acquire products and all categories of people and on a different level of consumer In this report we will learn on one of the excellent products, which is a high-quality TV set in terms of purity and clarity of image and sound What makes this product the perfect choice for those who wish to enjoy watching favorite programs with all the comfort that it is not only a high quality product in terms of the characteristics contained in But several of the most important aspects of it available to consumers at a competitive price is almost unmatched by any other product on the market And where the decision to purchase is the most important decisions of interest to any organization interested in studying the market and the marketing of their products we will discuss in some important details about. INTRODUCTION TO SONY TV SET This offer is available at all Sony stores, and customers would enjoy 10% discount if they buy online from our web site Also we offer free delivering and one year guarantee Facilities for payment by installments with the possibility of payment in installments over two years 60 inch LX900 Series 3D Full HD BRAVIA LCD TV High frame rate LCDs with a frame sequential display, Sony makes it possible to watch Full HD 3D quality video on 3D compatible BRAVIA LCD TVs. This technology involves alternately transmitting images for the left eye and right eye to the screen. When viewed through the active shutter glasses, the two separate images on the shutter glasses are synchronized with the onscreen image with their Full HD quality intact and precisely transmitted to the viewers eyes. The high-quality super-fine Full HD 3D images deliver unprecedented reality and presence. This offer includes loudspeakers and a DVD Player which makes the user feels Like a home cinema Features: LCD size: 60(152cm), 16:9 TV system: digital: dvb-t analog Display resolution: full HD 1080 (1920 x 1080) Buyer behavior decision-making process How do customers buy? Customers go through a five-stage decision-making process in any purchase. This is summarized in the diagram below: This model is important for anyone making marketing decisions. It forces the marketer to consider the whole buying process rather than just the purchase decision (when it may be too late for a business to influence the choice!) The model implies that customers pass through all stages in every purchase. However, in more routine purchases, customers often skip or reverse some of the stages. For example, a student buying a favorite hamburger would recognize the need (hunger) and go right to the purchase decision, skipping information search and evaluation. However, the model is very useful when it comes to understanding any purchase that requires some thought and deliberation. The buying process starts with need recognition. At this stage, the buyer recognizes a problem or need (e.g. I am hungry, I need a new TV set, I have a headache) or responds to a marketing stimulus (e.g. you pass Sony store and are attracted by a big screen showing a football match or an action movie and). An aroused customer then needs to decide how much information (if any) is required. If the need is strong and there is a product or service that meets the need close to hand, then a purchase decision is likely to be made there and then. If not, then the process of information search begins. A customer can obtain information from several sources: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Personal sources: family, friends, neighbors etc à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Commercial sources: advertising; salespeople; retailers; dealers; packaging; point-of-sale displays à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Public sources: newspapers, radio, television, consumer organizations; specialist magazines à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Experiential sources: handling, examining, using the product The usefulness and influence of these sources of information will vary by product and by customer. Customers value and respect personal sources more than commercial sources (the influence of word of mouth). The challenge for the marketing team is to identify which information sources are most influential in their target markets. In the evaluation stage, the customer must choose between the alternative brands, products and services. How can the customer benefit from the information? An important determinant of the extent of evaluation is whether the customer feels involved in the product. By involvement, we mean the degree of perceived relevance and personal importance that accompanies the choice. Where a purchase is highly involving, the customer is likely to carry out extensive evaluation. High-involvement purchases include those involving high expenditure or personal risk for example buying a house, a TV set or making investments. Low involvement purchases (e.g. buying a soft drink, choosing some breakfast cereals in the supermarket) have very simple evaluation processes. Why should a marketer need to understand the customer evaluation process? The answer lies in the kind of information that the marketing team needs to provide customers in different buying situations. In high-involvement decisions, the marketer needs to provide a good deal of information about the positive consequences of buying. The sales force may need to stress the important attributes of the product, the advantages compared with the competition; and maybe even encourage trial or sampling of the product in the hope of securing the sale. Post-purchase evaluation Cognitive Dissonance The final stage is the post-purchase evaluation of the decision. It is common for customers to experience concerns after making a purchase decision. This arises from a concept that is known as cognitive dissonance. The customer, having bought a product, may feel that an alternative would have been preferable. In these circumstances that customer will not repurchase immediately, but is likely to switch brands next time. To manage the post-purchase stage, it is the job of the marketing team to persuade the potential customer that the product will satisfy his or her needs. Then after having made a purchase, the customer should be encouraged that he or she has made the right decision. Factors affecting buying decision Possible influences on the decision process Personal influences Demographic Situational Involvement Psychological influences Perception Motives Attitudes Personality Social influences Roles and family Reference groups Social classes Culture and subcultures Personal factors: Is one that is unique to a particular person? It can influence purchasing decision In this section we discuss three categories which are demographic, situational, and level of involvement factors. Demographic factors: Such as age, sex, race, ethnic, origin, income, family life-cycle, and occupation Demographic factors have a bearing on who is involved in family decision making. For example, its estimated that by 2010 the Middle East and North African countries. Will have the largest market for TV sets because of more new apartments built for old men who is getting married that means more opportunities to sell wide number of TV sets . Men with age between 25 and 35 are know to have more influence in buying decision process for furniture and other equipments when they are starting furnishing their new apartments with all Necessities. Another example is a persons age and income may affect the number and types of information sources used and the amount of time devoted to seeking information. Demographic factors also affect to which a person uses products in a specific product category. Consumers in the 20 to 45 age group are more interested in buying new technology such as this TV set with high definition image specially those who get high income they find it easy to buy a new TV set even if the old one still in a good shape or condition . Here Sony set plans how to attract those potential consumers in term of marketing mix focusing how to set prices and Situational factors: Are the external circumstances or conditions that exist when a consumer is making a purchase decision. Sometimes a consumer engages in buying decision-making as a result of unexpected situation. For example, a person may hurriedly buy a TV set to watch the world cup 2010 or owner of a coffee shop try to attract more customers by offering them watching their favorite teams in the world cup or Olympic Games just two or three days before it starts or sometimes during that occasions. Yet in other circumstances the same individual might spend many weeks shopping around for a discount or any offer available. Situational factors can influence a consumers actions during any stage of the buying process. The time available to make decision is a situational factor that strongly influences consumer buying decision. If there is a little time for selecting and purchasing the TV set, a person may make a quick choice and purchase a readily available brand. Level of involvement: Many aspects of consumer buying decisions are affected by the individuals level of involvement; it determines why he or she is motivated to seek information about this product and brand but virtually ignores others. The extensiveness of the buying decision process varies greatly with the consumers level of involvement. The sequence of the steps in this process may also be altered. Low-involvement buyers may form an attitude about this product and evaluate its features after purchasing it rather than before. Conversely, high-involvement buyers spend much time and effort researching their purchase beforehand. Such TV set is a product that undergoes a great deal of investigation before they are chosen. Psychological factors influencing the buying decision process Operating within individuals partly determine peoples general behavior and thus influence their behavior as consumers. Perception Different people perceive the same thing at the same time in different ways. Similarly, the same individual at different times may perceive the same product in a number of ways. Perception is the process information inputs are the sensations received through sight, hearing, and touch the product. Perception is a three-step process. Although consumers receive numerous pieces of information at once, only a few of them reach awareness. They select certain inputs and ignore many others because they do not have the ability to be conscious of every input at the same time. This phenomenon is sometimes called selective exposure because they select inputs that are to be exposed to their awareness. For example if they are concentrating reading this paragraph, they probably are not aware that car outside making noise, that the light is on, or that they are touching this book. Even though they are receiving these inputs, they ignore them until they are mentioned. For example a person hoping to buy this TV set is likely to watch an advertisement containing TV set information. An input is likely to reach awareness if the information helps satisfy current needs. If the intensity of an input changes significantly, the input is more likely to reach awareness. When a store manager reduces a price slightly, they may not notice because the change is not significant, but if the manager cuts the price in half, they are much more likely to recognize the reduction. Motives Is an internal energizing force that directs activities towards satisfying a need or achieving a goal. Motivation is the set of mechanisms for controlling movement toward goals. A buyers action at any time is affected by a set of motives rather than by just one. At a single point in time, some motives in the set have priority, but the priorities of motives vary from one time to another. For example, a persons motives for having this TV set when not having a TV set rather than if having an old TV set. Motivation also affects the direction and intensity of behavior. Individuals must choose which goals to pursue at a particular time. A buyer may use a particular shop because of such patronage motives as price, service, location, honesty, product variety, or friendliness of salespeople. Thats why Sony marketers should try to determine why regular customers patronize a store and then emphasis these characteristics in the stores marketing mix. The marketing department should do researching by asking group of people for example what motivates them, why they keep buying that brand even if they know that brand is not as good quality as Sony. Keep researching what motivates them by other brands and what are motives of other brands. Ability and knowledge Individuals vary in their ability, their competence and efficiency in performing tasks. One ability of inters to marketers is an individuals capacity to learn. Learning refers to changes in a persons behavior caused by information and experience. The consequence of behavior strongly influences the learning process. Behavior that results in satisfying consequences tends to be repeated. For example, when a consumer buys a TV set and likes it, he or she is more likely to advise friends or relatives to buy the same TV set with the same brand he/she bought. In fact, the individual will probably continue to purchase that brand until it longer provides satisfaction. But when the affects of the behavior are no longer satisfying, the person will switch to a different brand. This is very important for marketers in SONY Company to keep searching for reasons that makes individuals satisfied with this product related to the marketing mix. Buyers when making purchasing decisions, have to process information. Individuals have differing abilities in this regard. For example, when purchasing this TV set , a well-educated potential buyer who has experience with technology and good brands available in the market may be able to read, comprehend, and synthesis the considerable quantities of information in technical brochures for various competing brands. On the other hand, another buyer with more limited abilities may be incapable of performing this task and will have to rely on information obtained from advertisements or from a sales representative of a particular brand. Here SONY marketers should offer all informations that attract different levels of people, and choose smart advertisements that introduce the product, and its benefits. Inexperienced buyers use different types of information from more experienced shoppers who are familiar with the product and purchase situation. Inexperienced buyers use price as an indicator of quality more frequently than buyers who have some knowledge of a particular product category. So sources of information are different, while buyers with expertise are more confidence to compare and find direct information related to the product, consumers who lack expertise may seek the advice of others making a purchase or take a long a friend. Marketers should be aware of what general consumer back ground of the company and its products, while some consumers think SONY is quite expensive others believe that SONY has the best quality and so on, here SONY have to create the best tools of providing positive information and knowledge for those Attitude Refers to knowledge and positive or negative feelings about the product. The acts towards which consumers have attitudes may be tangible or intangible, living or non-living. An individual learns attitudes through experience and interaction with other people. Just as attitudes are learned, they can be also changed. An individuals attitudes remain generally stable and do not change from moment to moment. Likewise, at any one time, a persons attitudes do not all have equal impact; some are stronger than others. Consumer attitudes towards a firm and its products greatly influence the success or failure of the firms marketing strategy. When consumers have strong negative attitudes towards one or more aspects of a firms marketing practices, they may not only stop using the firms product but also urge their relatives and friends to do likewise. For example, one of SONY stores in NORTH AFRICA is was not trusted by wide range of customers because of unfair prices related to other branches in the MIDDEL EAST countries, consumers in those countries does not know that was not SONY company, so the image of SONY was affected in that area, and sales started to flow down because of that big mistake by the company who was representing SONY company in NORTH AFRICA. Marketers in SONY should always measure consumers attitudes towards prices, package design, the brand name, advertisements, salespeople, services after sale, stores locations, features of the product, and also social responsibility activities. Several methods can help gauge these attitudes. One of the simplest ways is to question people directly. Asking about the consumer satisfaction about the TV set, are they satisfied with quality and the price, knowing the feedback of consumers, and keep going determining the positive and negative points , to check the performance of all steps involved while marketing the product, trying to attract more consumers by studying their attitudes. Personality Includes all the internal traits and behaviors that make a person unique. Each persons unique personality arises from both heredity and personal experience. Personalities are typically describes as having one or more characteristics, such as compulsiveness, ambitiousness, gregariousness, dogmatism, authoritarianism, introversion, extroversion, aggressiveness, competitiveness. Here should attempt to find relationships among such characteristics and buying behavior. Even though a few links between several personality characteristics and buyer behavior have been determined, the results of many studies have been inconclusive. Some researchers see the apparently weak association between personality and buying behavior as due to unreliable measures rather than a lack of relationship. A number of marketers are convinced that a consumers personality does influence the types and brands of products purchased. For example the type TV set brand that a person buys may reflect one or more personality characteristics. At times, SONY aim advertising campaigns at general types of personalities. In doing so, they use positively valued personality characteristics, such as gregariousness, independence, or competitiveness. Most products promoted this way. Social factors influencing the buying decision process The forces that other people exert on buying behavior. Roles and family influences Every person occupies position within groups, organizations, and institutions. Associated with each position is a role. A set of actions and activities that a person in a particular position is supposed to perform, based on the expectations of both the individual and surrounding persons. Because people occupy numerous positions, they also have many roles. For example, a man may perform the roles of son, wife, father, employee or employer, civic organization member, and student in an evening class. Thus are several sets of expectations placed on each persons behavior. An individuals roles influence both general behavior and buying behavior. The demands of a persons role may be inconsistent and confusing. To illustrate, assume that the man mentioned above is thinking about buying this TV set. While he wants this TV set to enjoy watching world news or football games, his children want to watch cartoons or connect the screen to play station and play games. His wife wants him to delay the TV set purchase until next month. A colleague at work insists that he should buy a particular brand, known for high quality. Thus an individuals buying behavior is partially affected by input and opinions of family and friends. Family roles related directly to purchase decisions. The male head of household is likely to be involved heavily in the purchase of this product. Deciding if its the right time to purchase or not. Although female roles have changed, women still make buying decisions related to many household items. Husbands and wives participate jointly in the purchase of products, especially durable goods such this TV set. Some young men aged 25 to 35 who is getting married in summer season; their brand loyalty can be quite changeable. In this case marketers in SONY frequently promote for such product during holidays to catch this hard to reach group at time when they are more receptive to a promotional message. When two or more family members participate in a purchase, their roles may dictate each is responsible for performing certain tasks: initiating the idea, gathering information, deciding whether to buy this TV set, or selecting another brand. Thats why marketers need to be aware of how roles affect buying behavior. To develop a marketing mix that precisely meets the needs of the target market, and they must know not only who does the actual buying, but also what other roles influence the purchase. Because sex roles are changing so rapidly, they must ensure that information is current and accurate. Reference groups A group becomes a reference group when an individual identifies with it so much that he or she takes on many of the values, attitudes, or behavior of group members. The person who views a group as a reference group may or may not know the actual size of the group. Most people have several reference groups, such as families, friends, religious, civic, and professional organizations. A group can be negative reference group for an individual. Someone may have been a part of a specific group at one time but later rejected its values and members. One can also specifically take action to avoid a particular group. A reference group may serve as a point of comparison and a source of information for an individual. A customers behavior may change to be more in line with the actions and beliefs of a group member. For example, a person might stop buying one brand of TV set and switch to SONY on the advice of members of the reference group. Generally, the more conspicuous the product, the more likely it is that the brand decision will be reference group. This days reference groups plays a big role affecting the buying decision, specially in advertising and the way the company choose to promote for the product, it was a very successful experience when SONY do a smart advertisement for its products specially TV screens, a lot of consumers enjoyed watching the Brazilian football player RECARDO KAKA doing the advertisement, he attracted a lot of customers, even who dont watch football matches. Social classes Within all societies, people rank others into higher or lower positions of respect. This ranking results in social classes. A social class is an open group of individuals who have similar social rank. A class referred to as open because people can move into and out of it. The criteria for grouping people into classes vary from one society to another. In western countries, many factors are taken into account, including occupation, education, income, wealth, race, ethnic group, and possession. In some countries like Arabic countries, wealth and income are more important than education and occupation in determining social classes. A person is ranking someone does not necessarily apply all of societys criteria. The number and the importance of the factors chosen depend on the characteristics of the individual being ranked and the values of the person who is doing the ranking. Social class influence many aspects. For example, it affects childhood training, choice of religion, selection of occupation, and how people spend their time. Because social class has a bearing on so many aspects of a persons life, it also affect buying decisions, for example, upper-class seem to prefer luxury automobiles such as the BMW and MERCEDES-BENZ, which symbolize their status, income, and financial comfort. Thos upper-class would buy TV set with the latest technologies available which is full HD screens and 3D with 60ince size with all the accessories, they like to make it like a home cinema they might spend large amount of money to buy such a TV set. Culture and subculture Is everything in surroundings that is made by human beings. It consists of tangible items, and intangible concepts, such as education, welfare, and laws. Culture also includes the values and wide range of behaviors that are acceptable within a specific society. Are learned and passed on from one generation to the next. Culture influences buying behavior because it permeates daily lives. It determines what people wear, eat, where to live and travel. It also influences how people buy and use products and the satisfaction gained from them. While some countries spend a lot of time watching TV , others might spend much time surfing the internet, so culture determines how TV purchased and used, it in turn affects all the marketing mix, promotion, distribution, and pricing of the product. Marketing mix The Market Mix (often referred to as the 4-Ps) Refers to the unique blend of marketing Elements designed to meet the needs of the Organizations target market. The Marketing Mix consists of the organizations à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Product à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Price à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Promotion à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Distribution (Place) Understanding how to position the market offering Putting the right product in the right place, at the right price, at the right time. We already have created a TV set that is a particularly group of customers wants, now we put it on sale in a place that those same customers visit regularly, and price it at a level which matches the value they feel they get out of it; and do all that at a time they want to buy. Theres a lot of truth in this idea. However, a lot of hard work needs to go into finding out what customers want, and identifying where they do their shopping. Then we need to figure out how to produce the item at a price that represents value to them, and get it all to come together at the critical time. The marketing mix is a good place to start when we are thinking through our plans for this TV set, and it helps avoid any kind of mistakes. The marketing mix and the 4 Ps of marketing are often used as synonyms for each other. In fact, they are not necessarily the same thing. Marketing mix is a general phrase used to describe the different kinds of choices organizations have to make in the whole process of bringing a product or service to market. The 4 Ps is one way. A good way to understand the 4 Ps is by the questions that we need to ask to define marketing mix. Here are some questions that will help you understand and define each of the four elements: Product What does the customer want from the product/service? What needs does it satisfy? What features does it have to meet these needs? Are there any features weve missed out? Are we including costly features that the customer wont actually use? How and where will the customer use it? What does it look like? How will customers experience it? What size(s), color(s), and so on, should it be? What is it to be called? How is it branded? How is it differentiated versus your competitors? What is the most it can cost to provide, and still be sold sufficiently profitably? (See also Price, below). Place Where do buyers look for this product? If they look in a store, what kind? A specialist boutique or in a supermarket, or both? Or online? Or direct, via a catalogue? How can you access the right distribution channels? Do you need to use a sales force? Or attend trade fairs? Or make online submissions? Or send samples to catalogue companies? What does competitors do, and how can we learn from that and/or differentiate? Price What is the value of the product to the buyer? Are there established price points for the product in this area? Is the customer price sensitive? Will a small decrease in price gain extra market share? Or will a small increase be indiscernible, and so gain extra profit margin? What discounts should be offered to trade customers, or to other specific segments of your market? How will the price compare competitors? Promotion Where and when can we get across marketing messages to target market? Will we reach audience by advertising in the press, or on TV, or radio, or on billboards? By using direct marketing mail shot? On the Internet? When is the best time to promote? Is there seasonality in the market? Are there any wider environmental issues that suggest or dictate the timing of market launch, or the timing of subsequent promotions? How do competitors do their promotions? And how does that influence your choice of promotional activity? The 4Ps model is just one of many marketing mix lists that have been developed over the years. And, whilst the questions listed above are the key, they are just a subset of the detailed probing that may be required to optimize marketing mix. Amongst the other marketing mix models have been developed over the years is Boom and Banters 7Ps, sometimes called the extended marketing mix, which include the first 4 Ps, plus people, processes and physical layout decisions. Another marketing mix approach is Lautenbergs 4Cs, which presents the elements of the marketing mix from the buyers, rather than the sellers, perspective. It is made up of Customer needs and wants (the equivalent of product), Cost (price), Convenience (place) and Communication (promotion). In

Charity Wards Philippine Hospitals Health And Social Care Essay

Charity Wards Philippine Hospitals Health And Social Care Essay The presence of charity wards in Philippine hospitals, whether public or private, has been a quiet issue. Those who are aware of the existence of this ward are the ones that cannot afford regular wards or those that prefer the services given in the charity wards. Most hospitals that offer their services through the means of having charity wards often have different elements to be paid for. The basic elements are the medical materials used, professional fees, and hospital fee. Often times the patients confined in these wards are the ones that provide the basic medical materials needed. There are also instances wherein professional fees of doctors are either waived or discounted for, while the hospital fee is rarely waived. One cause of conflict can be how the hospital prioritizes which patient should be attended to first; there are some hospitals that select paying patients before those who are not able to pay and sometimes they forego the triage system. The triage system is the system in which hospital personnel determine the level of priority of each patient based on the patients current physical condition. Of course, charity wards consist of only a certain number of beds and so charity patients may only be accommodated depending on availability and the hospitals capability to handle his or her case. This issue raises questions such as how do paying wards affect patient care and accommodation in charity wards? Do hospitals charge paying patients more than the actual cost of care? How are they [hospitals] able to afford for the continuous upkeep of charity wards? What is the governments involvement regarding this issue? And lastly, is the charity ward beneficial to all stakeholders? Background Information The charity system of service was first practiced in St. Lukes Medical Center and was established by American Missionaries in 1903. By 1910, St. Lukes increased bed capacity in the hospital to 52, catering dominantly to charity patients. In 1946, the University of Santo Tomas opened their pay and charity wards at the newly opened facility in Espana, Manila. More hospitals would follow suit with their own respective charity wards and as with St Lukes and UST, they funded themselves through the paying wards. It has been cited that in UST, their charity wards have solely been funded via the paying wards and never through government subsidies nor through the tuition fees of students enrolled in medical and allied medical courses. This may show that charity wards, now known in a more politically correct term of service wards, are not black holes for hospitals; they do not necessarily exhaust medical facilities of revenues, supplies and such. It also shows that hospitals charge more than t hey really should but since it is for a good cause, it may well be worth it. It has also been general knowledge that in charity wards, medical interns and students are often allowed to handle patients while they have very limited patient in pay wards. It is something that hospitals will not publish but it is a widely accepted act. Also, faster and better service can obviously be found in pay wards and not in charity wards. Despite the fact that certain hospitals can afford having a fully functional charity ward, government subsidies are always welcome things for them as, according to UST Hospital, it can cost upwards of P115 million per annum to run their charity facility, which is at a 65% occupancy rate. Of USTHs patients, only 25% have PhilHealth coverage but even then, patients still have to pay as much as 50 centavos for every peso of treatment cost. It can cost significantly more for the Philippine General Hospital which has a total of 1,500 beds for pay, charity and special patients as compared to USTHs total of 443 beds, and a 95% occupancy rate for charity ward as compared to USTHs 65%. According to the 2007 National Health Accounts, a study done by the National Statistical Coordination Board, the Department of Health along with the financial assistance of the Department of Health Office of the Secretary (DOH-OSEC), Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB), Philippine Heart Center (PHC), National Kidney Transplant Institute (NKTI), National Nutrition Council (NNC), Lung Center of the Philippines (LCP), Philippine Childrens Medical Center (PCMC), and Commission on Population (PopCom) allotted P20.3 billion for the budget of various health programs and institutions. From the P20.3 billion, only P15.4 billion goes to personal and public health care, namely government hospitals and the like. The breakdown of the budget under personal health care is P13.4 billion which is then directly transferred to government hospitals, while in public health care only P1.9 billion is allotted. The involvement of local government units (LGUs) in the financial assistance for public health care has been significant in contrast to the Department of Health; the LGUs had substantially allocated P13.7 billion according to the 2007 Philippine National Health Accounts. According to the An Analysis of the Presidents Budget for Fiscal Year 2007 conducted by the Congressional Planning and Budget Department, the total budget of the Philippines in that year was P1.126 trillion and from that P329.4 billion was allocated for social services. Of that, P14.5 billion or 1.3% of the national budget was specifically allocated for health. For 2007, hospital services get the biggest share amounting to 7.1 billion or 65% of the total budget. Public health gets only 14% of the budget, 2 percentage points lower than administration function receives. Regulation gets 5% of total budget for 2007. (Congressional Planning and Budget Department, 2007, p.103) It was also stated that in the pattern of budget distribution of the Department of Health since 2003 up to 2007, no change has been made. Hospital services continue to get the biggest chunk ranging from 65% to 71%. Budget allocation for public health and administration during the period get from 14% to 16% only. Regulation is given the least share ranging from 2% to 5%. (Congressional Planning and Budget Department, 2007, p.103) Even if there is a recognizable amount in the allocation of the national budget regarding health care, it is not sufficient in helping to defray the costs of necessary health care. Those in the marginalized sector, earning a minimum wage, often seek the services offered by the charity system available in government and public hospitals. However, there are some instances that these individuals may not be able to afford the costs that are followed in being confined in these said wards. Indeed, charity wards are supposed to be affordable, most especially to those who need it the most, but is does not necessarily mean that the services offered will be free. According to the newspaper article, title How charitable are charity hospitals?, a patient confined in the charity ward of a university-based hospital found out that their hospital bill reached P16,000 just for a weeks confinement. Now if that patient were just earning minimum wage and works for six days a week, he would just have earned P2,424 and that will not be enough to pay for his hospital bill. That only covers hospital fees and the medicines used during procedures done; it does not include post-operative or post-hospitalization care and maintenance. The implementation of the Philippine Generic Drug Act 1988 which requires the use of generic labeling and advertising of drugs have somewhat helped in making necessary drugs and such to be readily available to the public but that still adds to the expenses of the already strained household budgets of our lower class sector. According to The Prices People Have to Pay for Medicines in the Philippines by the Institute of Philippine C ulture in Ateneo de Manila University, the Philippines is one of the countries that have problems with drug accessibility for the public. According to their study, which cites the World Health Organization, less than 30% of the population has regular access to important medicines. This may be attributed to the costs of medicine taken in relation to the average income of the working classes. A 2007 statistical study titled Trends and Characteristics of the Middle-Income Class in the Philippines: Is it Expanding or Shrinking?, showed that the lower classes are in the bottom 76.7% of families living in the Philippines. This lower class group has an annual income bracket of P5,000 to P242,228 with an average annual income of P109,580. This does not include indigents and the truly poor. Sources: Ancheta, A. Q. (10 August 2010). William H. Quasha His Relevance to St. Lukes Revisited. Retrieved on November 15, 2010 from St. Lukes College of Medicine website:,Display/news_id,63 Batangan M.D., M.Sc., D.B. (n.d.). The Prices People Have to Pay for Medicines in the Philippines. [PDF File]. Retrieved on November 16, 2010 from: Congressional Planning and Budget Department. (2007). An Analysis of the Presidents Budget for Fiscal Year 2007. [PDF File]. Retrieved on November 16, 2010 from Dalangin-Fernandez, L. (22 March 2007). Arroyo signs P1.1-Tr budget for 2007. Retrieved on November 16, 2010 from Philippine Daily Inquirer website: de la Cruz, M. (21 October 2007). How charitable are charity hospitals?. Retrieved on November 11, 2010 from Fernandez M.D., C. R. (n.d.). UP-PGH Emergency Department Triage. Retrieved on November 15, 2010 from Philippines Society of Emergency Care Physicians website: Malaya Newspaper. (29 September 2007). Malaya Feature: Philippine General Hospital at 100, PGH: Leader in Quality Health Care. Retrieved on November 15, 2010 from Philippine Headline News Online website: National Statistical Coordination Board. (3 August 2010). 2007 Philippine National Health Accounts. Retrieved on November 16, 2010 from NSCB website: St. Lukes Medical Center. (n.d). St Lukes Medical Center Fast Facts. Retrieved on November 16, 2010 from St. Lukes Medical Center website: Virola, R. A. (n.d.). Trends and Characteristics of the Middle-Income Class in the Philippines: Is it Expanding or Shrinking?. [PDF File]. Retrieved on November 16, 2010 from: (n.a.). (30 September 1961). G.R. No. L-15270. Retrieved on November 16, 2010 from The LawPhil Project website: (n.a.). (25 June 2007). When priests quarrel. Retrieved on November 16, 2010 from Manila Standard Today website:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Parole Should Be Abolished Essays -- Argumentative Persuasive Crime Es

Parole Should Be Abolished The procedure known as â€Å"parole† in the criminal justice system has been in practice in the United States since the late 1800’s when it was begun in a reformatory in Elmira, New York. It’s process provides for early conditional release from prison for convicted felons, after part of their prison sentence has been served, and they are found to be eligible for parole based on factors such as: conduct while incarcerated, rehabilitative efforts/progress, type of offense, and remorse for their crime. Its use has been expanded to many states, and today has become the primary way by which offenders are released from prisons and correctional institutions. Unfortunately, parole is not always rewarded to worthy inmates, thus putting society at risk for repeated crimes that often outweigh the benefits of parole, therefore, parole should be abolished and inmates should be made to complete their full sentences. Prison inmates are usually sentenced by the severity of their crimes, as well as their mental intention at the time of the act. For example: a person who commits murder intentionally expects to take the life of another in reckless disregard for human life, and knows that the act itself which he or she has decided to commit, will surely bring about death. However, in the case of manslaughter, which is also the taking of a human life, there is no actual intention to bring about death. The act that lead to someone’s death, is measured by the circumstances that made the person kill such as self-defense, or a crime of passion because the killer was provoked in such a way that a chain of events lead to violence which eventually resulted in peril. Because of the difference in how these crimes are carried out, inmates are sentenced differently; some are sentenced to life in prison, and others are sentenced to several years and will be eligible for parole after serving part of their sentence. In lieu of inmates completing their full sentences, parole tries to achieve releasing inmates early based on the idea that the inmate has been sufficiently punished, and should be given the opportunity to become a law abiding citizen, capable of functioning in our society with adequate supervision. Although parole attempts to carefully screen inmates prior to granting early release, their decisions often do not merit wise choices. As a social worker, I e... ...niors who brought us into this generation. We deserve to be protected as much as any other human race. Our tax dollars spent on housing inmates are a lot cheaper for us to pay when one considers the cost of irreparable pain and suffering, of a victim who falls prey to a parolee who had no intention of reversing his or her former lifestyle and recommitted their life to crime. One cannot put a price tag on scarred lives. It would be worth every penny to keep these criminals behind bars until they have completed their full sentences, if it meant even saving one innocent life, or sparing someone an unforgettable damaging experience. In conclusion, parole serves to benefit the inmate who is seeking his or her freedom, while society seldomly benefits from progress or efforts implemented by parolees in the community. We must understand that parole is a privilege, not a right. We must take into consideration that if almost half of the population that is released on parole returns to pris on; parole is not working and should be abolished. Law abiding citizens have earned their right to freedom, and criminals have earned their right to confinement, and should remain that way, as sentenced.